Hurry Up!! [DRAWING MASTERY LITE] Available for 3250/- Only

Drawing Mastery in [HINDI]

Learn Drawing In Depth Using Classical Art Method & Eye Training Exercise With International Art Concepts To Build Your Drawing Skills Strong

Without Doing a Lot Of Mistakes and Become Able to Draw Much Faster With Full Confidence.

Grab the Opportunity to Network with Thousands of Passionate Artists and Learn the International Art Concepts Sitting Anywhere in the World

Full HD Videos | Downoadable Lessons | Easy to Implement Tutorials

SNEAK PEAK of What We Are Going To Learn In This Training:


Are You Facing These Problems Everyday?

  • No step by step Guidance
  • Not able to find and rectify mistakes
  • Not able to judge and Draw real-life objects
  • Not able to draw difficult subjects like portrait and Figure accurately
  • Facing difficulties in Free Hand Drawing
  • Depending upon the GRIDS for difficult subject matter
  • No knowledge about various techniques and Art Principles
  • Confused about what material to use, how to use, when to use
  • Not able to achieve the quality that you want to achieve
  • Failing again and again even after a lot of practice

Why Should You Learn Drawing Skills?

DRAWING is the No.1 Skill to learn as an aspiring Artist

Artists with Great DRAWING SKILLS easily gets Huge career Opportunities

Every Great Artist have one thing in common - "Amazing Drawing Skills"


Bad Drawing = Bad Painting = No Growth

One thing that is common in every Amazing Artist in the World is GREAT DRAWING SKILLS. No matter how good someone is in Painting or adding details, if Drawing is not strong, the artwork will look BAD.

In International Art training, classical drawing lessons are given step by step to strengthen the foundation of the students before moving on to any medium.

The best part is you will learn everything without spending lakhs of rupees.

Who needs to learn drawing skills...?


Art Teacher

Art Influencer


Fashion Designer

Graphic Designer


Industrial Designer

Tattoo Artist

Interior Designer

Architectural Drafter

Art Director

Advertising Designer

Makeup Artist

In a NUTSHELL, if you want to build a strong skill in any of these above you need to build strong professional drawing skills and have a strong command on Art Principles.

However, if you are wondering what would be the best way to learn and master Drawing Skills. Then you don't need to go to expensive schools and institutes and compromise on your daily work or study.

You can learn drawing skills from the comfort of your home anytime anywhere with an internet connection. Even you can download and watch the lessons later.

Presenting India's Most Recommended, Comprehensive and Affordable Program to Learn Drawing From Scratch to Advance Step-by-Step Guidance With Practical Implementation Exercises


Detailed Comparison of Drawing Mastery PREMIUM and LITE

Drawing Mastery Lite

3,250/- One Time
  • Introduction to Materials (Priceless)
  • Daily drawing exercises (Worth ₹2500)
  • Eye training exercises (Worth ₹4900)
  • Hd images for practice (Priceless)
  • Classical approach to Grids (Worth ₹2700)
  • Free Hand Drawing With Realtime Demo using classical methods (Worth ₹3700)
  • Life Drawing Training (Worth ₹5200)
  • Detailed Theoretical & Practical Study about Art Principles (Worth ₹3800)
  • Advance Classical Training on Shading (Worth ₹5099)
  • Realtime Training of Different subject matters (landscape, Stilllfe, head & Figure) (Worth ₹4200)
  • Realtime training on understanding texture and charcoal studies (Worth ₹3900)
  • 1 Live QnA Sessions Recordings (Worth ₹2500)
  • Private Community for Work Sharing and Feedbacks
  • Lifetime Access to Course & Community

Drawing Mastery Premium

4,950/- One Time
  • Introduction to Materials (Priceless)
  • Daily drawing exercises (Worth ₹2500)
  • Eye training exercises (Worth ₹4900)
  • Hd images for practice (Priceless)
  • Classical approach to Grids (Worth ₹2700)
  • Free Hand Drawing With Realtime Demo using classical methods (Worth ₹3700)
  • Life Drawing Training (Worth ₹5200)
  • Detailed Theoretical & Practical Study about Art Principles (Worth ₹3800)
  • Advance Classical Training on Shading (Worth ₹5099)
  • Realtime Training of Different subject matters (landscape, Stilllfe, head & Figure) (Worth ₹4200)
  • Realtime training on understanding texture and charcoal studies (Worth ₹3900)
  • Private Community for Work Sharing and Feedbacks
  • Lifetime Access to Course & Community
  • 15 Live QnA Sessions Recordings (Worth ₹2500)
  • Bonus: Business Opportunities Special Session (Worth ₹2500)
  • Bonus: Personal Branding for Artists - designed for artist who wants to work professionally (Worth ₹2500)
  • Bonus: MINIATURE MASTERCLASS (Worth ₹15,000)


If You Enroll Today You Can Also Get Bonuses (Worth ₹5997) in Premium & Lite Both

BONUS 1 : Understanding Colors for Artists (₹1499)

Complete one-hour training on understanding colors. Understanding the concepts of the color wheel. Hue, chroma, value, color temperature. Absolutely FREE

BONUS 2 : Artist's Productivity (Worth ₹1499)

A complete chapter on increasing productivity as an Artist. Setting up the right environment both online and offline. Having the right mindset to grow as an Artist. This chapter covers the mental aspect which will help you grow much much faster. Absolutely FREE. More than 2 hours of training

BONUS 3 : Facebook Group (Worth ₹2999)

You will get the private access to Facebook community where you can ask your doubts anytime, get feedbacks from me and other members and also get the opportunities with people to create more opportunities.

DRAWING MASTERY is Covered by 15 Days Moneyback Policy

Look at the Feedbacks of Few More Students

Meet Your Teacher

Reyanshh Rahul is a professional Artist from Chhattisgarh, India.

Founder of Arena Art Academy , Raigarh. Where he has been teaching art enthusiasts for more than 6 years.

Reyanshh has completed more than 200+ private commissions in past 2 years, worldwide, including- India, U.S, Canada, Republic of Ireland, Australia, Switzerland and England.

Won various awards at State & National level. He has also been awarded by Artist Ram V. Sutar (Artist who created Statue of Unity).

Did a commissioned painting of P.M Narendra Modi.

Reyanshh has been a part of many group art exhibitions, workshop across the nation. He also take live demos on painting in reputed art galleries to engage and inspire artists.

His aim is to empower people who are passionate about Fine Arts.

More than 200K Subscribers Family on Youtube

Reyanshh Has Receive Many Award and Appreciation and Has Been Able to Meet With The Top Artists Because of His Drawing Skills

Padmashri, Padmabhushan, Creator of Statue of Unity. Artist Ram V. Sutar

Eminent Artist Prithvi Soni

Eminent Artists

Senior Artist Harpal singh chauhan

Eminent Artist late. Razi khan

Eminent Artist M. Narayan

With Amazing Artists , At a National Art Exhibition

With current CM (2021) of Chhattisgarh- Bhupesh Baghel

Eminent Artist Madhavi Joshi

Eminent Artist Bijay Biswaal ( Indian Brand Ambassador of Winsor & Newton)

At National Art exhibition

At National Art exhibition

Eminent Artist Amit Srivastava

Eminent Artist Sanjay Chakraborty

Eminent Artist Vinit Kumar


What if have a problem or doubt while watching the chapters?

Ans- Don't worry Reyanshh Sir helps directly on WhatsAApp- 6260174231

What if the chapters are not worth it?

Ans- Every single student of DRAWING MASTERY loved it for its detailed knowledge at lowest price BUT for your satisfaction we are also giving 15 DAYS REFUND POLICY. Just whatsApp at 6260174231 and 100% money will be refunded.

I have enrolled in many courses in the past but no course helped me, how DRAWING MASTERY Training will help me?

Ans- In Drawing Mastery, you will get the task which you have to complete daily. Also, various techniques are shared which will help you to see the growth within a very small period. And when you will start seeing the growth, your confidence and urge to put more efforts will automatically be increased.

Will I get lifetime Access?

Ans- Yes

Can I download the chapters to watch in offline mode?

Ans- YES, You can download All the chapters and watch the lessons anytime, anywhere offline.

What if have a problem or doubt while watching the chapters?

Ans- Don't worry Reyanshh Sir helps directly on WhatsAApp- 6260174231

I am a housewife/ in another profession so is this Training suitable for me?

Ans- YES, the best part is you are getting LIFETIME ACCESS+ Downloadable lessons, so you watch as per your schedule.

Do I need to pay more money inside the training? Or any other hidden charges?

Ans- NO

Is there lessons on watercolour, oil or any medium?

Ans- NO, training is completely dedicated to developing drawing skills.

There are so many other courses cheaper than DRAWING MASTERY Training. So why I will go with Drawing Mastery?

Ans- Our goal is to provide the best quality of Drawing Training. Institute charge Lakhs of rupees for the same training which is provided inside the DRAWING MASTERY.

Is it in Hindi? English subtitles available?

Ans- YES, complete training is in HINDI, Currently, English subtitles are NOT AVAILABLE.

How much time it will take to complete the training?

Ans- The training lessons are from a beginner to advance level. At least it's a one year training. Its like a complete ART SCHOOL in itself. Completion time also depends upon how much time you give on daily basis.

Can I enroll now, and start watching in future because my schedule is busy?

Ans- YES

I want to be a professional Artist. So is this training for me or not?

Ans- 100% YES. This training covers drawing lessons from a beginner to a really advanced level.

I want to be a professional Artist. So is this training for me or not?

Ans- 100% YES. This training covers drawing lessons from a beginner to a really advanced level.

Is this training for small kids, like students of class 2, 3...5..6?

Ans- No, but if any elder person can be there to guide them and help them to understand just like you help them with homework. Then it might work depending on your understanding and effort.

Who should join this training?

Ans- Anyone who wants to grow their drawing skills, professionally or as a hobbyist.

Can I Pay with Google Pay or Phone Pay Directly?

Ans- YES, please contact on Whatsapp at 6260174231

Do You Still Have Any Doubt?

No Worries, Please Contact on Whatsapp at 6260174231